WordPress Freelance Developer

WordPress Development

Read make WordPress Freelance Developer.

WordPress Freelance Developer To understand the available technology you need to look for open discussions in make. wordpress.org and follow them. Here you can get information about the core, plugin, and themes.

Homework Doing

Practice what you have learned by opening your websites and carry out various projects. Read tutorials and follow them on your own and also experiment. Record what you have learned for reference in the future.
Here are some of the areas to explore;

WordPress APIs

Learn of the available APIs in the code. Obtain all the information about each API and carry out some experiment. Look for the tutorials for the APIs to give you more knowledge.

Ajax in WordPress

Irrespective of your knowledge in Ajax, be ready to learn about its use. Then try to use it in plugin development.

WordPress PHP Classes.

Identify the list of classes that are created by WordPress developers. Master them and try to experiment with them in your projects. Gather information majorly about WP, Query, WP-Theme and web.

Obtaining experience with WordPress

After trying with your projects and gaining some experience expand you knowledge by entering the real world. Gain more experience working with others and working for others. This will expand room for obtaining more experience.

Take on clients

The best way to add on your experience is working for clients either for cash or free. Clients will expose you to challenges available in the real world. If it’s your starting time, try to get your first client. And set you goals and standards in getting the best.


Wordpress Freelance Developer webizito

Public Theme Development

Develop an idea and release it either free or with a fee. Pay great attention to the feedback from wordpress designers and its end users. Make changes to the theme with consideration of the reviews on the feedback.

Plugin Development

Try to identify a gap that has been left unfulfilled and attempt to fill the gap by developing your new plugin. Make sure the plugin solves and satisfies the need. Release the plugin at a fee or free and obtain feedback from users.

Patch Development

Gather information from the core contributor handbook about submitting a patch. It’s a very challenging process but be determined. Choose a task which you are capable of handling. Contribution of a patch is a very honorable experience for identifying yourself as a top WordPress developer.

Master Debugging

An important step in becoming a top WordPress developer is knowing the way to write bug-free code. Begin with the codex. Learn the developer oriented plugins example; core control debugs bar and Log Deprecated Notices.

WordPress community is joining.

Market yourself to the community by sharing your knowledge. Make the people know your existence by becoming active in the community. This is a critical step in you becoming a fantastic developer.

Tutorial Writing

After gathering knowledge start writing tutorials to help others. This is important as it can be a way of marketing yourself.

Contribute To the Codex

When reading through the code identify the areas that require to be improved. If you have the ability to develop that area, please do but if you are not able to inform others who can improve it and make an opportunity to learn from them in the process.

Forum Participation

Join official support forums and participate by asking and answering questions.be ready to learn from the responses given by other developers in the forum.

Attend Work camps

Make sure you are present at the upcoming word camps. Try to participate in the camps example by being among the organizers. Show your expertise by sharing your knowledge to others by teaching them.

Reward and Responsibility

Being at the top as a WordPress developer has a great reward financially. But this great reward comes with great responsibility. Staying at the top demands you to keep updated through education and experience. Always improve your knowledge through research and attending workshops. Also, you have a responsibility of contributing to the quality and future of the WordPress environment. Gives ideas and contribute to the betterment of the WordPress Development ecosystem.

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